
John 15:12
“My Command is this:  Love each other as I have loved you
Volunteer’s Needed
We are in need of a couple volunteers to help with the audio/visual for our Sunday services! If you are interested see Pastor Curt.  
Community Bible Study
Registration is now open for the ladies community Bible study this fall. This study is open to all women of the community so invite a friend! Come join us on Thursday nights beginning August 29th from 6:30-8:30 PM. Register at: Community Bible Study Destin FL and select the remote group for First Baptist Church of Holt.
Yard Sale Donations
Our annual yard sale for Saving Grace Ministries will be September 13th and 14th. If you have anything to donate, please drop off with Adriana in the office between 9AM-1PM. If possible, please sort clothing prior to drop off for storage purposes.
Exodos Auction
This year’s Exodos auction is happening Tuesday, September 24th! Doors open at 5PM for browsing and dinner will start at 6PM.
Lost & Found Items
Our lost and found located in the back foyer is filling up fast especially with tumblers and jackets. If anyone is missing some items, please take a look!